How to draw by scott robertson straight lines
How to draw by scott robertson straight lines

Find a mug and set it on a table in front of you in a room that has plenty of light.Don’t click on the videos around it – just watch what you’re supposed to. A charcoal pencil is being used for this demonstration, but you can still learn from it. Watch this video about ways to hold a pencil.Only post drawings that have been assigned in the course and that I ask you to share. You can ask questions on EP’s drawing flickr group and answer other people’s questions.Tell whether you traced anything in your drawing or whether you drew it freehand, and give an estimate of how long it took you to complete the drawing. Tell whether you copied your drawing from another drawing, copied it from a photograph, or drew it from life. Tell what lesson you are on and whether you are on Part 1 or Part 2. Whenever you post a drawing to EP’s drawing flickr group, give the drawing a description.Tell what you think is good about the drawing and give a suggestion for improving it. You can make constructive comments on other people’s artwork. Post your drawing to EP’s drawing flickr group when you’re finished.On ordinary printer paper, draw copies of at least three of the drawings below.This is what the paper should look like when you are done.For five minutes, move your pencil around in circles on a piece of 18 x 24 sketch paper without taking the pencil off the paper.Sketch quickly and don’t worry about making mistakes. You can use ordinary printer paper for this. For five minutes, draw circles, squares, and triangles with a HB pencil.a drawing board big enough to hold an 18 x 24 sheet of paper.good quality drawing paper, 18 x 24 in.You don’t need it all to begin the course. Here is a link to her website: course is unlike other EP courses in that it does require the purchase of materials that can cost a lot of money. This course was created in its entirety by my daughter. This course is for students who are passionate about art and will put a lot of time into it.

How to draw by scott robertson straight lines free#

At the beginning of the course you should complete the lessons in the order that they are listed, but as you progress farther along, feel free to skip around between different parts of the course if you want to. You don’t need to finish the whole course in one year. Part 2 teaches drawing with other mediums. Notes: Students will work at their own pace, so the course is divided into lessons instead of days. Please only submit artwork to Flickr that is for this course. This site allows for discussion, which is not fully moderated. Students will post their completed artwork to EP’s Drawing Professionally flickr group and offer constructive comments to the other artists. Students will learn many different techniques and will be encouraged to develop their own techniques and methods, and to be creative and mix different media to create the effects they desire. In Part 2, students will draw with charcoal, pastel, colored pencil, and conte crayon and will also learn basic calligraphy. Part 1 is a foundational drawing course in which s tudents will draw still lifes, landscapes, interior spaces, portraits, and clothed figures and will learn some basic perspective and anatomy. Recommended: Ages 10 – adult, for people who are passionate about artĬourse Description: This couse is divided into two parts. Prerequisite: Students should have some drawing experience before beginning this course, but do not need to have taken any art lessons before. Some assignments can be done in minutes, some will take weeks.) It is recommended you spend at least an hour a day drawing. Credits: 1-2 (This course is set up to be done at your own pace, not in a certain number of days.

How to draw by scott robertson straight lines